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I Promise: A Reflection on Chapter 4 of "Never Alone: The Power of Family to Inspire Hope"

Have you ever made a promise? Did you keep your promise? Have ever had to hear the troubling words: “But you promised!” Chapter 4 of Never Alone explores the story of the Promised Family.

I have learned to keep my promises to a minimum. My dad taught me to keep my word. I thought that was good and serious advice. Then one day I found it in the Bible. Psalm 15:4 answers the question: “Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?” One of the qualifiers is found in verse 4: “He who keeps an oath even when it hurts.” This is a principle I live by not only because my dad drilled it into me, but it reflects God’s word. When I was a pastor in El Paso, Arnie Adkison who was on pastoral staff with me, carved out a six-week series on the theme: Who gets to hang out with God? This verse was one of the key messages.


Honestly, I have probably failed at this quality at one time or another in my life, but it is my goal, my personal North Star. I am so glad that there is one who never breaks a promise. God keeps his promises. I remember singing as a child, “Standing on the Promises.” Abram was able to stand on the promises that God made to him to have a family. His promise to Abram was not only to have a family but to multiply his family so that it would be larger than the number of stars in the sky. Wow! That is a big family.


Chapter 4 plunges our journey of the family into the depths of faith and obedience. Abram and his wife Sarai have many miles to journey on this road of the promises of God. I learned so much from exploring this family. I learned what not to do as well as lessons I can apply to my life and to my family.


If God made a promise to you and you knew he would not break his promise, would you be able to stake your life on his word? Would you follow him even if the odds of success seemed impossible? Would you follow God on a journey to leave your home without a map? If all you had was a promise, would you pack your bags and start the journey?

What promises has God made to you and your family? This story reads like an incredible adventure. You will be surprised at what you find in this story and how much of it is applicable to your family today. You will find you are Never Alone connected to a God who keeps his promises.


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